10 ways to celebrate International Womens Day 2022
Every day is women’s day if you ask us here at half the sky, but conventional wisdom has designated today, March 8th, as International Women’s Day.
Did you know that International Women's Day (IWD) was originally established in the early 1900's and today is observed around the world as a global event to recognise the struggles and brilliance of women?
This year, you may be struggling finding ways to celebrate such a momentous day, but forget about letting the day pass without a celebration. Here, we bring you 10 alternative ways to celebrate the incredible beings that are women. With happiness, hope and a desire for a much fairer and equal world – this is our guide to International Women’s Day, and the 10 Ways to celebrate it.
1. Participate in the #Breakthebias photo challenge
Don’t you just love a photo challenge! Every year the team at International Women’s Day challenges us to strike a pose and this year is no different: Get your cameras ready.. 1,2,3 and smile for the camera ladies.
2. Have a virtual/in person coffee meeting
A little gathering amongst friends never hurt anybody, and what better way to participate in International Women’s Day than with your friends or colleagues. This is a great time to reflect and discuss the issues that impact you.. And start planning for how you will bring greater success in 2022.
3. N.A.P Incredible Women Podcast
Now we all love to indulge in a bit of retail therapy, and it will feel even better if we can participate in a good cause. Net-A-Porter celebrates International Women’s Day by honoring the beginning of Women’s History Month and empowering women with the launch of the fourth season of its “Incredible Women” podcast.
4. Educate yourself about women rights
The global pandemic has galvanized millions around the world to fight for a better, fairer and more just world. Right now, women and men are part of an unprecedented movement for women’s rights, equality and justice. The global call, whether through marches, social media campaigns or political movements is becoming louder - pick up a book or follow your favorite female advocate and get informed of the issues affecting women around the world.
5. Support women owned businesses
Throughout history, women have always excelled in whatever they have set their mind to, beating the odds when many doubted their capabilities and breaking traditional stereotypes, especially in the sector of starting up a business. Around the world, there is no lack of awesome female entrepreneurs to recognise and celebrate. This International Women's Day, why not find your locally owned female run small business and lend your support?
6. Join a book club and get empowered with these books
Book clubs are a great way to establish a sense of community with other readers. You can spend hours chatting with people who love the same authors as you, or debating about the merits of a particular character. Here are some fantastic books by female authors you can read and discuss this International Women's Day:
7. Watch some empowering Female K Drama
We are big fans of K drama and there are plenty of inspiring female leads and characters that are changing the stereotypical view of women especially in Asia. We've put together 5 awesome shows that will have you feeling empowered, and rooting for her to win!
It's Okay To Not Be Okay
Crash Landing On You
Sky Castle
Love Alarm
Start Up
8. Take a virtual tour of women of STEAM
Throughout history, women have made huge contributions in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics(STEAM). Find out more at the STEAM exhibition and take a look at the contributions of some powerful women whose works have transformed the world.
9. Create your “Girls Rule the World” Spotify playlist:
For IWD it’s all about channelling your inner self. If you're looking for some motivating we-rule-the-world gym workout music we’ve got just the tunes for you - checkout the list of our top 5 spotify playlist suggestions for this IWD:
Fighter by Christina Aguilera
Stronger by Kelly Clarkson
Single Ladies by Beyonce
Rise Up by Andra Day
I'm a Survivor by Destiny’s Child
10. Acknowledge, thank and appreciate the amazing women in your life
At half the sky this is one of our FAVORITE days of the year because it allows us the incredible opportunity to highlight the women in our lives who inspire, champion, motivate, teach, and love us every single day. So, whether it's your mother, sister, favorite cousin or your BFF that has always got your back - give them a call or send them a message to show your appreciation.
Blogs for you
Half the Sky's mission is to supply the tools that can give every woman the ability to build a successful career and be fully prepared for the future of work. So, that they can lead a healthy, prosperous and more balanced/blended lifestyle of their choosing. By building your confidence, you’re setting foundations to empower yourself and your career. The world is your oyster, and it starts with you.
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half the sky (HTS) is a career platform for women connecting you to career opportunities at companies that care. Providing you with information, tips and strategies to navigate the rapidly changing workplace.
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