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The many disguises of sexism in the workplace

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The many disguises of sexism in the workplace

Sexism in the workplace can take many different forms and can be difficult to recognize and address. From stereotyping and bias to harassment and inequitable treatment, women may be subjected to a range of discriminatory practices in the workplace. 

In this article, we explore a few examples of the ways in which sexism can manifest in the workplace and discuss steps businesses can take to create a more inclusive and equitable environment.

Here are a few examples of the many disguises that sexism can take in the professional world:

Gender-based expectations and stereotypes

These can manifest in a variety of ways, such as expecting women to be more nurturing or supportive, or expecting men to be more ambitious or competitive. These expectations can limit opportunities and career advancement for individuals who do not fit the mold.

Unequal pay and promotions

 One of the most well-known forms of workplace sexism is the pay gap, where women are paid less than men for performing the same job. This can also extend to unequal opportunities for promotions and leadership roles.

Sexual harassment 

This can range from inappropriate comments or jokes to unwanted physical contact, and can create a toxic and intimidating work environment. It's important to remember that harassment is not limited to men harassing women, and can happen between any gender.


This occurs when a company or organization makes a token effort to diversity by hiring one or a few people from underrepresented groups, but fails to take meaningful steps to create an inclusive culture. This can result in these individuals feeling isolated or unsupported in their roles.

Maternal discrimination

Pregnant workers and mothers may face discrimination in the form of being passed over for promotions or job opportunities, or being treated unfairly because of their parenting responsibilities.


Ageism can affect both older and younger female workers, with older workers facing discrimination based on stereotypes about their abilities or younger workers being passed over for opportunities due to a lack of experience.

Appearance-based discrimination

This can include discrimination based on physical appearances, such as weight or height, or based on clothing or grooming choices that may be perceived as not fitting with traditional gender roles.


These are subtle forms of discrimination, such as condescending comments or being excluded from opportunities or conversations, that can have a cumulative effect on the well-being and career advancement of individuals.

It's important to recognize and address these various forms of sexism in the workplace, as they can have a detrimental impact on the well-being and opportunities of individuals. Employers can take steps to create a more inclusive and equitable workplace by implementing policies such as equal pay and promoting diversity and inclusivity in hiring and leadership.

It's also important for individuals to speak up and advocate for themselves and others when they experience or witness sexism in the workplace. By being aware of these disguises and taking action to address them, we can work towards creating more equitable and inclusive workplaces.

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