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Women Inspired Network (WIN) China – Journey in 2021

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Women Inspired Network (WIN) China – Journey in 2021

​In conjunction of celebration of Mother’s Day 2021, Women Inspired Network (WIN) China committee has been officially setup on 7 May 2021 with full support from WIN Global committee as well as the management of North Asia.

Since the establishment of WIN China, the committee has organized various initiatives to support the women community in our workplace: Program for mothers returning to work from maternity, Forum Elite Female Interview, Women at Work and more. 

WIN China Yammer 平台,构建中国区女性成长与发展平台

WIN作为阿克苏诺贝尔多元化与包容计划的一部分,旨在确保所有同事拥有同样积极公平的体验,特别是在招聘、晋升、人才管理和绩效方面,WIN China将组织不同形式的活动以激励员工的发展和提升。

WIN 中国分会成立后,我们又建立了WIN China Yammer,即提供给大家一个分享的平台, 让更多的同事彼此联络,共同进步,支持女性发挥自身潜力,以增强我们的包容性,并让女性真正感到归属感。

接下来,我们将充分利用Yammer 平台来更好更有效地推广我们的WIN 主题。


为了帮助女性员工更好地平衡家庭和工作,WIN China推出了“女员工产假回归关爱计划”,制定了《女员工产假回归关爱指南》。


从她们口中听说  一万个热爱阿克苏诺贝尔的理由




11月17日,WIN China组织了一场线上女性菁英访谈会,五位不同经历、不同岗位的女性嘉宾分享了她们在职场中砥砺前行、不负韶华的精彩心路和宝贵经验,让大家看到了阿克苏诺贝尔女性员工的卓越才华与勤勉态度。同时,WIN China通过发起投票活动,鼓励大家关注身边女性,发现女性身上闪闪发光的魅力与风采,吸引了超过700名同事踊跃参与。

Half the Sky's mission is to supply the tools that can give every woman the ability to build a successful career and be fully prepared for the future of work. So, that they can lead a healthy, prosperous and more balanced/blended lifestyle of their choosing.  By building your confidence, you’re setting foundations to empower yourself and your career.  The world is your oyster, and it starts with you. 

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